
only heaven's right above it

I woke up at 1:21 today.
It was 2:23 last weekend.
DAMNNN, I'm finally sleeping in like a true teenager/young adult/college student.

I danced for 2 hours straight last night after typing up those papers.
No breaks.
It was wonderfully liberating.
And good cardio.

Also, things I realized I like:
* dark or bright red lipstick
* big floppy hats
* dizziness
* people who have nice fashion (it makes me happy when I see someone nicely dressed)


it seems like over the summer I was a whole different person..................
and I think I was just influenced by the people I was hanging around with

1. I was a little puppy dog chasing after a guy that was totally not worth it. LAME. Never again will I become so attached to a guy who leads me on.
2. Nor will I put up with a guy that keeps me waiting for an hour after we agreed to meet without even calling to say he was going to be late, and ALWAYS took hours to text back a one-word response. It's a little thing, but it GETS ON MY NERVES.
3. Nor will I go after a guy, PERIOD. As I said yesterday, that's mostly his job, not mine.

Eh, whatever. It wasn't a big deal, but I learned from it.

And now that I look back I realize that my best friend was emotionally abusive.

1. I felt like she wanted to be the boss of me, and I was too nonconfrontational to do anything about it.
2. She always wanted my advice on her boy problems, but would avoid answering anything I asked her about my nonexistent love life and would say, "I don't know what to tell you."
3. Basically made no effort to stay in touch with me after I left for college.

I won't go into detail since this is public domain and I don't want to be disrespectful.........but it was mean, the way she treated me a lot of the time. P.S. if YOU, you, happen to read this, shoot me a text or something..........................I dunno what happened between us, but it's sad.

it seems that people think they can use me/walk all over me, but that's not how it is.
If anyone fucks with me again, I will let them know that I don't like it. End of story.

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