
fascinating new thing

I just, found out, from a friend, that this guy I recently had a big lame crush on, is dating this really annoying-looking scene chick.


Slightly annoying, but otherwise....

Don't really care.

Reasons being:
1. I'm now surrounded by an endless supply of super hot boys with beards (I like beards. They are my weakness. Very much so.)
2. I'm also surrounded by guys on my intelligence level. (Intelligence is also appealing.)

Okay, list of things that I find attractive in a guy (not in order):
1) Beard. SOME sort of facial scruff, PLEASE. 5 o'clock shadow?
2) Un-bald-ness. No buzzcuts either.
3) Style. Doesn't have to be metrosexual, but basketball shorts and flipflops don't cut it. Somewhere in the middle is fine. Jeans and a tshirt is good. Just, no slobbiness.
4) Intelligence. I can't take it when a guy is less intelligent than me. It's really frustrating to explain stuff to someone who should know what it is.
5) Self-confidence. Self-assurance. Badass-ness. Period.

So, uh, yeah. K.

I know I've been gushing about how amazing college is, but really! I feel like I can be whoever the hell I want to be, not that shy little chick I was in high school. I've met a ton of new people, and I feel like I can say hi to anyone I want to without looking like a freak. GOODBYE, CHATTAHOOCHEE. Never going back there.

Now, don't get me wrong. I had a totally different attitude a few weeks ago. I was planning on going back to visit, but now it's just like....ugh, h.s. seems so lame now that I look back on it. Everyone's so involved in their little groups of friends, no outer interaction unless you're forced to or something. LAME, warning to you seniors: better get out of that attitude real quick, honeytarts.

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